Sunday, October 25, 2009


i remember being little
i used to close my eyes when i had to think really really hard
maybe that's why i blink so much lol

i used to have an imaginary friend named frank
he was a duck.
an ugly duck. THEE ugly duckling
he would turn into a wooden sculpture of himself every time someone interacted with me
he'd be really bad at everything i was good at
and be worse at everything i was bad at

my dad hated it when i cried.
to make me feel better,
frank would almost always have tears in his eyes.

on any normal day, he was my companion, my side kick.
i would sing to him in the off tone key that only his ears would have a taste for.
the thought of sneezing on my own hand was quite disgusting to me
so, i'd sneeze on him. ^_^

and the few times that anything good that happened to me happened,
i would rub it in his face
and all the misfortune that bestowed upon me
i would place the blame on him
by putting him in a worse, imaginary predicament

he was my best friend
he didn't talk much
but he stuck around.

and that,
right there,
was my therapy.

i remember being little
i used to close my eyes when i had to think really really hard
i didn't have to close my eyes to see frank
he was my pure, instantaneous thoughts and emotions as an out-of-place child

right now i'm closing my eyes
trying to think about when frank flew away..
i hope he comes back soon.
i wish he took me with

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